Monday, October 3, 2011

Raising Crazy Oct. 3, 2011

Yup, he's back!

Sorry for the long delay, folks. Been a rough couple of months,but I'm going to slowly catch up on the strip and make up for the past due ones.

I want to thank all you folks who have followed the strip, and been patient with us during the hiatus. I promise to make it up to you.

Mike & son


Patrick said...

Hurrah!!! Always put a little smile on my face reading these.

I hope all is well on your end and you got some other projects lined up that will take a load off your mind. We're here for you.

Mike Hawthorne said...

Thanks, Patrick! No new projects yet, but everyone is healthy so that's the main thing :-)

Frank Salvo said...

Awesome Mike, glad to see things are getting back to normal?!?!

Mike Hawthorne said...

Thanks, Frank. Yeah, in this house "normal" is relative ;-)